Financials 197 Page

Are you afraid of your financials?

If you’re a creative entrepreneur, the answer is probably a definite yes. That is a very common reaction! In fact, studies show that money is the number one thing that the majority of us will avoid talking about, no matter what.

But if you own a business, that isn’t a topic you can avoid for long. You are also the CEO, the owner of your company, so you have to take responsibility for your financials, and for knowing how much money you have coming in and going out every single week.

You control whether your company succeeds and fails. And that word “control” is key — you must take control of your finances in order to have control over your company’s future success.

Let’s put you in control of your finances!

My Financials for Creatives master class will give you the strategies and tools you need to become that financial genius that I know you have inside you!

There are 9 modules, each designed to help you get a handle on a specific part of your income, your fees, and your cash flow. Each module is a video webinar, designed to deliver you the information you need so you can work through them on your own schedule and at your own pace.

  • How to set financial goals
  • Why cash flow is critical
  • When to bring in the professionals
  • Why your overhead is so key
  • How to map out your income projections
  • Steps to setting your fees
  • How to design a revenue funnel
  • Why you need to act like a CEO

Trust me, I’ve been there!

In my 17 years owning my own interior design and consulting businesses, I’ve had my own set of challenges.

Even with my accounting degree and MBA, I didn’t find financial freedom until I became disciplined about following these strategies.

But once I did, everything fell into place! I now have a multimillion dollar business, and I have helped creative businesses around the globe transform their businesses and get themselves on solid financial ground!

I want you to feel empowered to take control!

This is your company,
it’s your vision, and you can find
financial freedom in setting controls
and owning that balance sheet.

“Tobi’s financial strategies are great! It’s horrifying to work the numbers for your business, but when you finally get them — and understand them — you can take action!” — Kathleen DiPaolo

“After working with Tobi, I had a 500% increase in profits! What Tobi will spoon-feed you is a roadmap to making money.” — Mara Malcolm

“Tobi Fairley helped me immensely. I’ve gone from being unhappy with my business and processes to now having more confidence, enjoying my projects, and, most importantly, increasing my profits.” — Heather Blue Harkovich   

“Tobi Fairley helped open my eyes, focus in a new direction, and gave me the tools to execute!”  — Kim Layne Gonzalez